For a collector, expert or not, is fundamental to ascertain the authenticity and the provenience for the artwork he is going to buy, with the aim not only to protect himself, but to guarantee the art market’s correct work.
Every single item or artistic work, actually, has an intrinsic value, aesthetic and economic, this one depends directly on the authenticity certification of the item itself, essential element for trading contract.
It’s also true that the attribution’s and authentication’s ways are many, mostly when we distinguish between objects made by death or alive authors. Who has bought artworks during the Sixties, when the documentation –compulsory today- wasn’t an obligation for the seller until the 1971’s Legge Pieraccioni, will surely know this problem.
A relevant problem, present often when we talk about historic artists, is the falsification. From the antiquity until now science has made very important steps to refine recognizing methods and works’ analysis, but, in front of true ‘’artists of false’’ with important executive skills, it’s extremely complex to find falsifications.
In this sense it has been launched recently a very innovative technique to fight falsification of works made on canvas, and to ensure the circulation of authentic works among the art market. We are talking about the Smart Tag, and idea from the Londoner Tagsmart, a forefront technique based on the use of the synthetic DNA, which permits to mark every item with a sort of ‘’genetic code’’, which, once associated with a specific object, could not be removed ever.
For sure a great step forward against the counterfeiters!